My First Marathon Was A Disaster

Mar 19 , 2019

My First Marathon Was A Disaster

Here's My Advice on Preparing For A Long Distance Run, Walk, or Bike RideI was work tired, undertrained, unprepared and ended up blistered, dehydrated and painfully exhausted, with no energy. I had...

Poor Nutrition Can Affect On The Field Performance and Cause Lack of Concentration

Feb 15 , 2019

Poor Nutrition Can Affect On The Field Performance and Cause Lack of Concentration

Referees must consider themselves as sportsmen, and for all practical purposes the advice given to players regarding the best foods and fluids to obtain top performance applies equally to referees....

For Marathons the "Super Compensation Diet" works, but it doesn't suit everyone

Feb 14 , 2019

For Marathons the "Super Compensation Diet" works, but it doesn't suit everyone

FOR MARATHONS THE "SUPER COMPENSATION DIET" WORKS BUT IT DOESN'T SUIT EVERYONE - THE DISADVANTAGES ARE NOT AS WELL KNOWN! Objective - To increase muscle glycogen storage, which will reduce prematur...

Plyometrics Training Can Help Overcome Injury and Improve Speed

Dec 16 , 2018

Plyometrics Training Can Help Overcome Injury and Improve Speed

Treating a sports injury with drugs, injections and a lay off period while ignoring the underlying cause is no better than no treatment at all. The best approach is to treat the cause of the injury...


Nov 06 , 2018


Listen To Your Body Most runners including myself, are somewhat addicted to running. When an injury affecting the training programme occurs we go through withdrawal symptoms, quite frequently becom...

Sep 28 , 2018

High Blood Pressure Hypertension or Stress Control Guide

"Live Better For Longer" Consider lifestyle! Adequate rest and relaxation will decrease the workload on the heart. The body system works like a bank: rest and work equate to deposit and withdrawal,...

Aug 30 , 2018

Focusing on the Female Athlete

During a twenty year career of training, conditioning and coaching elite Female athletes I have observed that their response to exercise is metabolically & functionally hugely different from th...

Aug 10 , 2018

"Run And De-Stress" - How To Improve The Quality of Your Life

Running provides increased vitality and improved concentration, health and well being. It also develops more energy and assists the ability to cope with the requirements of everyday life.It may hel...

Jul 26 , 2018

Selecting a Good Running Shoe

Read This before you buy - you may save yourself a lot of expense and time off with injuries We weren't built to run. Let's face it - we take our body for granted. And when the foot hurts, you hurt...

Jul 16 , 2018

Another cup of caffeine - Performance maker or heart breaker?

Many of us enjoy our daily cup of coffee. We like the flavour and the energy boost the Caffeine "lift" gives us. We know there are a few 'ups' and 'downs' and sometimes, when the caffeine has dissi...